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2002-10-02, 6:03 a.m.

Hi there!

The puppies were traumatized because I got up at 5:30 instead of 4am with their little puppy selves. Traumatized. I picked the girl up and she crawled up as far as she could on my shoulder and whined. Poor little things. I cleaned up their mess, put down a bowl of water and food for them. They mauled the food. A whole lot of snorting and chewing going on.

Yesterday, I gave Happy Cabeza a bottle straight from the fridge. She went out the kitchen door and I heard her start drinking. I then heard her frustrated cry. She came full circle around to the other kitchen door and toddled to the counter where the microwave sits, reaching up as high as she could. She wanted it warmed up. She wanted to hear the Magic Ba Ba sound.

Yeah we talk baby talk! Get over it already. I CAN'T HELP IT! And yes, we called her pacifier a *binky*.

My car died yesterday but it's covered by a recall warranty so that's good. My sis in law drove me to my dr's appointment. The doctor upped my vicodin to 750 mg. I try not to take it too often. Only when I really need it. Which is more often these days. I told him that my long term disability through work requires me to apply for SSI. He gave me advice and told me to remember the three P's: Be Patient, persistant and most of all, polite. He said that often times people get so fed up that they're rude. That gets you nowhere. He also said the system is designed to refuse you benefits 99.9% of the time.

I have a really great doctor. He has some sort of disability himself. I'm not sure if it was an accident or if he has CP. He has a leg issue on the left side and wears orthotics. He used to work in a pain clinic so he's not afraid of pain meds. I used to be kind of against them, but not now. He said take them like he prescribes and I will not get addicted.

Is it just me, or is Bill O'Reilly losing his mind? I like Bill. I do. But he used to let people have the last word and he doesn't do that anymore. Has to be ratings. Hannity and Colmes are ok, but Sean Hannity gets pretty mouthy.

My mom in law said her view on Iraq is that we're basically pissed off about an oil thing. I'm naive, I know, but I don't think we'd go in there and blow people away just because we're not getting oil. That's just my opinion. Not saying she's wrong at all. I'm not thrilled about the prospect of killing innocent people. I don't want that. It's a bad situation no matter how you look at it.

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