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Baby? UPDATE: I am Peanut, hear me squawk.

January 15, 2003, 9:42 PM

Still no baby. What is that little girl waiting for? Dad figures it's just too cold for her right now. Auntie is dialted at 9 1/2 right now. Just waiting for 10 to start pushing.

My baby is asleep. My nephew and niece are asleep. I had to go wrestle a pull-up on JessJess. I asked her if she needed a pull-up and she said "No, I don't like those."

Earlier I had to put Jess in time-out. Basically she was being a little turkey. She was crying. I let her out and she went into her brothers room, sniffling and getting some toys together. She went into the dining room and sat on the floor. Then, Jess spoke these words in a very deep voice:

"You need to let go of your anger."


The Diapered not-quite-two Duo of Destruction were at it again. Tipping over furniture. Climbing the computer desk and standing on it. One of the Diapered Duo climbs a book case with alarming speed (Zach Man). Boo watches her cousin with awe and walks over to the bookcase, looking up every once in a while. At one point I was in the kitchen. Boo kept saying "Mom. Mom. Mom.", all while looking towards the bookcase area. He was up to the tippy top, hanging over the edge.

I told Jess Jess her mom was in the hospital to have the baby. Jess took time to explain to me that no, that wasn't the case. Speaking slowly so that I was sure to understand everything, she said that mom, dad and grammer had gone to the doctor's to have the baby.

Jess was adament that I make popcorn. When I had poured it into a bowl, the three of them sat huddled on the floor shoving handfulls into their little mouths. I had a plate of popcorn and Zach Man was soon sitting with me, cramming handfulls of popcorn into my mouth. Something in Zach Man clicked within the past week or so. People are no longer inanimate objects just there for climbing or running over with trucks if they happen to be lying on the floor. He actually hugged me several times tonight. He's also quite the helper. I was making popcorn on the oven and he had his spoon all ready to stir.

You know, I'm just killing time here. HURRY UP baby. I went outside a little bit ago and there was a huge ring around the moon. Huge as in circumference. It wasn't close to the moon. The moon was a dot in the center of an expanse ring.

So yeah. Baby? Come on now. Did I mention her name will be Kristine? I don't know the middle name. I think it'll be Grace. Not sure.

Anyway. Two entries back are the explanation that no, my banners are not to bash squirrelx. I know she doesn't give a rats behind, but hey.


Kristi was born at 10:36 weighing in a 7 lbs, 4 oz. 19 1/2 inches long with a 13 1/2 head circumference. In T's words, she's a Peanut.

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