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October 08, 2004, 2:21 PM

So Cath has a friend over. She reminds me of some girls I used to be friends with. Matter of fact and wise to the ways of the world. She lives with her mom, grandma and grandpa.

She's a polite kid too. Red hair almost exactly like mine. Woohoo for the red heads.

They're currently on a search for the kittens who are not kittens anylonger but we call them the kittens because they'll always be


I saw a picture of them from last year, bottle feeding time. Small, tiny little things.

Food and I aren't best pals these past couple of days.

Oh shit. They're going for a walk. Shit. I don't know if I'm ready for this.

My friend and I are starting

The Chiclet Butt Club

She was saying how her ass looks like a square. And I said "like a chiclet?"

Her ass is nothing like a square. She's skinny. Mine is a misshapen mass of lumpy stuff. It has a shelf like quality.

Chiclet Butt Club. It has a ring.

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