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Dead Chicken walking

March 23, 2005, 9:19 PM

So my chicken. I had wrapped gauze around her bone sticking out. Not a lot of bone, it was just visible. Not a good wound. I've seen this stuff before at PAWS. Birds are fragile.

She's in a box on the dining room table just hanging out and clucking at me everytime I walk by her. Lee was feeding the baby and when I looked up, the chicken was right behind him on the couch. She had flown 4 feet and landed on the back of the couch. Walking around. I put her outside and she joined the rest of the chickens. Clucking. Making sure all knew that she was still the Head of Household.

So it goes to show that things are not always as they seem. Had she been at PAWS like that, she would have been euthanized straight away. Heck, I was going to euthanize her because it's not a pretty wound. This morning she wasn't even walking and then later on she fly's to the couch sayin "Hey there, got some grub, eh?"

I saw a former aide of Terri S on TV say that the husband brought in his girlfriend to see Terri at one time and said something to the effect of "See, I told you she was dying." I don't know if that's true. BUT. I do believe somewhere that people in Terri's state are somewhere seeing all of this go on. The last thing to go is hearing. I think she's somewhere on some level seeing this and I wonder what she thinks.

We have to wonder why we do go to such great lengths to keep people alive. We just do. I think it will always be that way. There are million Terri S's out there. But I really have a hard time believing that she and her husband had that conversation. Realistically, not a lot of people at a young age talk about death. If her parents are being "Selfish", I think her husband is just as much, if not more. That is just my opinion of what I've seen of him. The parents want to be able to take care of her, whatever the outcome. When I say I question his motives, I mean very much I think he's making a stand and trying to get his point across. That is just my opinion. I'm not saying he's all bad or the devil himself.

The thing I cannot get over in this case is that the parents want to take care of their daughter. That's all they want to do. You can't say it's easy for them or that they think she's going to come back from her state, but at least they have hope that something will happen and I will not fault them for that. It's much harder to do what they're doing. It's going to be a hard life for them. They've had a hellish experience with this. But they're willing to take care of her, for better or worse.

For better or worse. The husband has moved on.

Dealing with humans is pretty complex.

I think inmates have more rights than the people in Terri S's condition.

I think she will end up dying. That's the other thing I don't get. Starving to death seems pretty inhumane and the biggest contradiction in this whole mess.

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