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December 11, 2006, 1:33 PM

I don't feel brave. I feel like I'm emtionally barfing everywhere.

I think SOMEONE disagrees with my online spewing and that's fine. You and I come from a different place in this regard. That's ok. Disagree with me.

You know what I want? That RED thing you see on TV. It's perfect! I don't want it for my non-existant ABS. I want it because I can't sit still when I'm watching TV. I'm always on the balance ball. Balancing. I can't sit still. You'd think I'd be a stick figure...

But anyway, I want that RED thing because I need something other than the balance ball. And the kids and I will fight over it. And BEN will climb on it and Boo will use it for her TINY ABS because she does everything I do. She sees things on TV sometimes and thinks she needs it for exercise.

Hold on. I'm going to read about restless leg syndrome.

Be right back.

Oh my god, it's a devastating disease!

(in actuality I think I have it, just because I can never get comfortable and my legs are always going. But they have a diagnosis for EVERYTHING and it just sounds funny. Ok, going to read more, BRB)

Ok, here we go:

"You have a strong urge to move your legs which you may not be able to resist. The need to move is often accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. Some words used to describe these sensations include: "creeping", "itching", "pulling", "creepy-crawly", "tugging" or "gnawing".
Your RLS Symptoms start or become worse when you are resting. The longer you are resting, the greater the chance the symptoms will occur and the more severe they are likely to be.
Your RLS symptoms get better when you move your legs. The relief can be compelte or only partial but generally starts very soon after starting an activity. Relief persists as long as the motor activity continues.
Your RLS symptoms are worse in the evening especially when you are lying down. Activities that bother you are night do not bother you during the day."

Well, gee, that would be me, but that still doesn't give me much of an explanation. I just got to thinking about it because I saw a commercial and the woman in the commercial kept stretching and getting up. Moving her legs. Rubbing her legs.


Is this a bad thing? My legs are always always hurting and I always move them. My mom has it, but I think she doesn't give it much credit because of the RA.

I have the girls sit on my legs often. Or Boo walks on my back or legs.

Ben loves the movie RENT. He stops all he's doing to watch it.

Ah crap, my boy loves musicals! Haha.

It's good for him! He loves music and that's part of the key for kids. I think Especially Ben. Tap into what he likes and sing away for him. He loves that.

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