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Qunicy Carter

November 05, 2003, 3:59 PM

Shit. Wrote an entire entry and it's gone!!!!

Quincy Carter, the black and white foster kitten, died. I reached into the kennel this morning after feeding him 4 hours before hand, and he was cold, although still alive.

It was morning so I was able to take him into paws to be euthanized. I opted to watch him go. They first took a syringe of blue liquid and injected it into his stomach. Then they waited a few minutes and injected another blue liquid into his heart. They left the syringe there until we couldn't see it moving from the heartbeat. Then he was gone.

Very rough.

While I was there, I saw the little Bantam Hen I'm going to take home tomorrow. Yeah, another Bantam. I checked under her wings and basically her whole body, much to her dismay. She seems in very good health. She's a beautiful red little gal and Marnie named her Bluegrass.

Going now. Tired.

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