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Thanksgiving talk

November 25, 2004, 10:41 PM

"BooBoo, tell Nana her pie tastes awesome!"

BooBoo: "Nana, you're pie tastes like Ca-Ca!"

Actual conversation today.

Don't ask, I have no idea.

Lee's glued to Charlie's Angels. However much I can't say I blame him, I still don't like the way he looks at me right now. It actually pisses me off.

And it's all his fucking fault too, that I look like el bloato blimpo girl.

Thanksgiving was good. The tofurkey was better this year, but I don't like it as leftovers for some reason. It came with cranberry/apple dumplings that were pretty good.

Lee made stuffing. That was good too.

MIL's pumpkin pie was great. Really.

Auntie C wasn't there, which was the one thing missing (Lee's sister). She's in San Jose, coming to Christmas, I believe.

Auntie Margaret was there, friend to MIL and all around NICE NICE NICE woman. Boo loved her too.

Greta, previously referred to as That-Fucking-Dog, even though I never hated her, is very sweet. She has a great temperment. She and Boo are buds. She was running behind Boo. Boo stopped suddenly and Greta, the mini-schnauser, ran right into the Boo-Bottom. Boo did not nap today and became all around loopy. When we left, she had to kiss Greta goodbye and even tucked her into her little dog bed.

From what I've read thus far, Thanksgiving was good all around. I'm still wanting mashed rutabagas with salt and pepper. Never made them, but they sound great. That was on the menu of Sunnflower. And I thought about them all the while eating my dead tofu.

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