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Govenor race

December 16, 2004, 3:48 PM

BooBooBee is all perky today.

My mom is not.

My mom has RA so when she's sick with a flu, it hits her all that much harder.

I am so irritated about the governor race here in WA. The republican candidate has been ahead in every recount, but golly, guess what, they've suddenly miraculously discovered like 7,000 more votes or something like that. I voted for the republican candidate because we've had a democrat in the seat for 30 years, as Lee puts it, lets see what the republican can do.

So the last recount, they miraculously recovered LOST VOTES! How about that? I'd call that bullshit. I have no respect for the democratic candidate. She calls it a tie. A tie is a tie. 50/50. This race, no matter how close, D*ino R*ossi is still ahead.

So it makes me mad. I'm just not going to watch the news.

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