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Sooprize By Design

November 17, 2003, 5:43 PM

It started raining early early this morning and didn't stop until this afternoon.

This morning I was about to go to run errands and decided to check on the chickens.

My chicken was sitting in her cage in the chicken run with water dripping and making little pools of water. The tarp I had draped over the run was NOT WORKING. The chickens do not look quite as fluffy when wet. They look like some Nickelodeon cartoon character gone very bad.

Wet chickens.

To clean out my chickens' cage, I had to let her out and she ran all over the place trying to stay away from the Rhode Island Reds. They peck at her.

You know those Red Heads.

She eventually made it inside the coop and was sitting directly under the lightbulb. Which is smart as hell and the others decided what she was doing was a good idea so the kicked her out of the prime spot. When I checked on her a while ago, she was up as high as she could get and away from the rest of them. She's not stupid, for sure. I was worried about them pecking her to death, but she moves fast.

Damnit I'm cold as all get out.

The rain is wreaking havoc on the joints today. But at least it's not so bad.

Yesterday was spousal's birthday and he had a good day. For his present, I put up two curtain panels and a curtain rod. We have a sliding glass window that had cheaper than cheap pull blinds. He left with Boo on an errand and I was hurrying my ass up trying to get these up. It's hard when you have no gripping power. I felt like that damn "Surprise By Design" show where that maniacal woman is trying to be funny and that dude with the sunglasses always on his bald head is pretending to laugh right along with her. And they both sit there yakking away, saying they don't have much time and they have to hurry...yak yak yak. I think they're trying to create suspense and it's just so damn stupid.

If I catch that on, I turn it on mute so I can see what they actually come up with. Sometimes it's not too bad.

I'm not a modern type person at all. I have this thing for darker woods and warm feeling rooms with some color. I guess my "theme" if you could call hand-me-down furntiure a theme decor, would tend to go asian, but not by choice. Sort of by accident for what we have. I like early american and I like some East Indian and african art. Where the hell does any of that tie in together?

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