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March 20, 2005, 2:55 PM

I often times wonder what diary central looks like.

I picture Andrew to have long hair, bunny slippers and plaid pajama bottoms. A person who never showers. He drinks 2 pots of coffee per day.

I think he sits in his diary cave with an imaginary friend/spouse named Sammy. He has ferrets. He has *Red Bull cans sitting all over his Diaryland Cave. And bags of unsalted popcorn.

His parents are concerned.

His mother has her couches and lamps covered in plastic. The stairs have plastic runners. Her toilet seat is clear acrylic with fish lures visible so that you wince every time you sit down. Even though they are forever imbedded in a man-made substance. You can't get over the hooks.

His dad drinks non-alcoholic beer. He has his beer mugs kept cold in the freezer. He does not eat pizza. He gets his oil changed every 3,000 miles. He drives a white Chrysler LeBaron. He doesn't fish and has no idea why his wife bought him a fish-lure toilet seat for President's Day.


I've been working a while today. I'm tired. Boo apparently has been computerizing all day and Ben has been a FussBudget. Or a FussNugget. My little tiniest of Nuggets.

PillOBoo has been energy queen of the house. My mom has a hard time with her energizer self. She looks at her a lot with this "look". It pisses me off. She's too much Boo for you.

I love her and her little inappropriate ways.

She has a mole on the inside of her leg. She showed me. She said:


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