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September 29, 2004, 5:33 PM

I'm getting a cold.

I'm feeling bitter.

And Boo is still showing her rear to the girls in order to gross them out. She goes out of her way to make sure they see her and I'm running after her trying to get her underwear on.

She's learning a lot of behaviors from the girls.

"Whatevah momee."

"I'm going to whack Catheeee!"

"Stop it!"

"That's wude!"

She's currently helping Gia with her clothes.

She's putting a cape on: "I'm SUPERMATTT!"

So instead of getting yesterday off, Lee is getting tomorrow off. Because we can't let your day off be a family function.

I'm still bitterbeergirl about them not giving Lee his day off yesterday.

Just another example of how no one in this company has the understanding of why you would choose your family over your work.

No one on their deathbed says

"I wish I would've spent more time at work..."

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