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Tree tree tree tree

December 07, 2004, 9:40 PM

So much whining in the last entry. I'm having a few issues right now that I choose not to write about due to the fact that the jerko boss and all of GW is reading. I'm joking, I'm pretty sure it's just jerko boss. AKA Al Qaida Clown.

I don't like him. He sure as hell doesn't like me. And that's ok. I'm ok with that. At peace with it.

Doesn't mean I'll stop bitching about him.

Because I'm just that way.

So things could be worse. I realize it, but it's a diary and that's what it's for right?

So things could be worse.

I could be bigger than I already am.

I could have no Christmas tree and I have a 4 foot tall Charlie Brown kind of tree. It was under $20.

So yeah. I just hope we have a house to have the tree in, ya know?

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