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Deep Shit

2002-10-20, 6:39 p.m.

Bleach is an all important part of my life. I'm a cluttered person, but use bleach to kill off any bacteria or possible bacteria or what I perceive as a threat of bacteria. I should use bleach naked. I don't which means I've ruined close to 10 shirts and as many pairs of pants.

Last night we had Nightmare On Our Street. Somebody had taken a dump in the downstairs Low Flo Fucking Toilet, which has become the bane of my existence. Low flows use just as much water as a standard toilet. You can flush a low flow three times when you could have the flushing power of just one standard. I'm going to buy a standard on the black market someday. Anyway, I dump half a gallon of bleach into the bowl to kill off anything that could be living in there. A few hours later, I try flushing and it's still clogged. Spousal unit went to the store to get liquid plummer. Yeah I know, we're killing things in the environment. We're contributing to global warming. If you looked in our toilet bowl, there is no way in hell you would have tried to plunge that nastiness. Turns out it didn't matter.

Right before bed, I suggested to spousal that he try the toilet. WELLL, it started to overflow. I'm standing there while spouse stands there and I yell "GET THE PLUNGER" and he yells "WHERE IS THE PLUNGER" and I yell "IT'S RIGHT IN FRONT OF YOU". I run and get towls to mop up the SHIT infested water as he plunges. Interestingly enough, the plunging caused the toilet to again flush, which is something I've never witnessed.

Now we were in really deep shit.

All the towels in the house and 3 rolls of paper towels later along with the shop vac, we cleaned up the mess. The shop vac is now a Cesspool. I'm sure there is no living bacteria in there considering all the bleach and Liquid Plummer. Something has to be blocking it other than paper, like a rat.


We have two new foster puppies. They're FLOOFY white little guys and real mellow. Alaskan something or other. I have them for two weeks. I seem to get one pup that will use the paper and one pup that won't. Not sure what is up with that.

I know, we're Mr. and Mrs. EXCITEMENT. At least spousal is back from Maryland. My dad saw spouse and said he was glad to see he kept his head down. Spousal said while he was back east, one of the other Territory Managers has the Virginia, D.C., Maryland area accounts. He has a lot of accounts that are all within 1 mile of where the shootings have taken place. Apparently a lot of gas stations have blocked the pumps closest to the road with tarp. Most people walk with their kids into the school, keeping their kids in front of them to protect them as they're entering the school.


I slept until 1pm, which is not normal. I hate this disease.


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