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2002-10-23, 8:25 a.m.

Boo Boo lu lu toupanunu says; "Waaaaahhh, tooooo, teeeeee!!!!"

Translation: "One, two , three!"

She's brilliant, I tell you.


Dear diary,

I wake up in pain. You know how you make a fist really tightly and when you try to undo it slowly, you're hand is stuck? My body is like that when I wake up a few times a night. What is up with that?


In other news, one of the puppies had diarrhea. Spousal knew at 12am that one of the pups had crapped all over the floor. We woke up this morning and he told me about it.


DUDE, the puppies had basically tracked it ALL over the bathroom and had it on their fur. First things first. The puppies were thrown into the puppy carrier. For you PETA enthusiasts, they weren't actually "thrown". More like gently "hucked". Then, out came the BLEACH. And no, I was not naked. But, I didn't ruin my Old Navy Kitty Pajamas. I bleached the hell out of the bathroom. Spousal helped me. Man, he should've huh? WAKE ME UP NEXT TIME so they don't, like, roll in it. They are totally my thing. My responsibility, but if you see runny shit, tell a friend.

I gave the pups a bath. They were just not sure about that.

Does it seem to you that shit is playing a theme in my life the last week?

I need to go. As in off the computer.

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