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B day

January 20, 2003, 1:18 AM

I didn't fall down the stairs coming to get on the computer so I figure I should write something.

Ya know, Krissy does look like she's thinking about cake. I changed her diaper today and she did the baby cry "Wah........wah........wah....". Only tiny babies make that cry.

It's so cute and yes it gives me that evil thought in my head that says "Even though I was sick as a dog and looked like a fat cow during pregnancy, I feel like having another! Sure, I had mood swings and had a sign on my back that said Caution! Swings wide on turns!, but wouldn't it be great to have a tiny baby again?"

Speaking of babies, Happy Head has this intrinsic knowledge that her sisters are just her sisters and not people that should be telling her what to do. I don't know if it's because they're shorter than me or what, but she tattletales on them. When they're pestering her for giggles, I hear a very stern Happy Head yelling "MOM?" as in "Would you make them stop?!"

Tonight we went to Auntie A's and T's house for Zach Man's 2nd birthday. He just randomly started opening his presents and we were all diving for our cameras to catch him opening them. He got Tonka trucks and some Bob the fucking Builder stuff. We gave him a Blue's Clues video. The important "transition" from Steve (who wasn't that great looking, didn't his nose kind of look like a penis?) to Joe (who's quite a bit cuter, in an alcohol syndrome kind of way). Then we ate cake. Well, I didn't, but they all did.

Thanks for all the comments and notes. I never know if I should respond to all of it or not. Do I wait every few comments before responding? Do I respond to every one? Do I not? Do people expect me to? If I respond to every one, does that make me look needy?

You know.

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