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February 10, 2003, 7:41 AM

I had wanted to sleep in today, but I'm getting over a half-cold, the kind of cold that doesn't really get to the full blown stage, but I have too much junk in my throat that seems to be hanging out in my voice box. Hoark.

So I got up and I'm coughing pretty bad and in a very unladylike manner, I clear my throat. I never did that with the ex around. Actually, I just never did that at all. I feel so comfortable around spousal I guess. He does things that are way grosser, so I feel like he wouldn't judge.

Yeah, I'm going back to the books to read about the dung thing. I just can't believe any dark lord that wants to be taken seriously would forge a ring in secret, take a dump, and add that to the mix. Come on.

And of course I was spelling "Sauron" incorrectly. Why don't you guys tell me this stuff? ha.

I'm going back to bed. I had two cups of coffee already, but we'll see. ***Ok, spousal told me the dung thing is found in the Silmarillion.

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