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October 03, 2004, 11:42 AM

OH MY GOSH! A new trashy show called "Desperate Housewives".

What could be better than that? (9, 8 central, Sunday's).

There was an Aaron Spelling show on a couple of years ago that was complete trash and then they cancelled it. It was so disapointing because it was so trashy and I was really liking it.

Sometimes you just want to watch crap TV. I like Crap TV.

Especially right now. I'm low-energy and gaining weight. I know I'm pregnant. It doesn't make me less neurotic about the whole thing.

Did you see nickel*deon yesterday? I think it was nick. I was flipping channels they had this commercial thing on saying "Go play outside" or something to that effect. I think it said it was like that from 7:30 to 2:30. Really, we should all just turn off the TV, but reality is that's not going to happen. I wish all cartoon television would band together every Saturday and just do that.

TV has commercials where parents are saying how they like the "compassionate" characters on programs and so forth. Like kids actually learn compassion and how to treat people from TV. I think they can learn stuff like ABC's. But the other crap, no way. I've never had one of the girls model a positive behavior they've seen on TV.

So yeah. I'm hungry and trying not to shove food in my mouth.

I think I've gained quite enough weight, thank you.

I dread the fucking OB visit every week, so much so that I have anxiety about getting on the scale and I don't want to go.

Fucked in the head.

I don't know why I'm obsessing over it.

Maybe once every 2 weeks or so, around midnight to 12:30 I might feel somewhat acceptable.

Most of the time I feel like the scurge of the earth and I should spare the people of the earth by showing my face in public.

I am so not joking.

Boo, on the other hand, unknowingly graces her happy Boo self to all unaware and unknowing about body image and why the hell can't she stay that way? I hope she does.

Cath seems to be better these days. I think cheerleading gives her some confidence. Gia isn't really lacking in confidence about her cuteness, maybe just her height.

"Hey Cath, where's Gia?"

"She's probably in the bathroom looking at herself in the mirror."

Because that's Gia.

Although Cath likes to look at herself in the passenger side mirror when she's riding shotgun. I'm not sure why.

Boo just likes to bee bop all over the house and smiles all the time. She probably gets that from her dad.

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