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October 23, 2004, 1:50 PM

Ok, so speaking of the VOTE FOR K*ERRY banners, I clicked on one and it will take you to some informative links. The very first was a link to

Bruce Springsteen.

Ok. I like Springsteen. But he's not a politician. Somehow having Bruce Springsteen as the informative link is not very credible to me. He's a musician. He can have all the opinions he wants, as we all can and do, but. I don't know. To me it goes along with the movie stars and so on and so forth. I just get real tired of them on their platforms about who to vote for when they're living life in the non-reality plane.


I like differing opinions and do respect them, but a lot that I read have that Mich@el M00re approach.

Can't we all just get along?

Ann C0ulter attacked with PIES. Ok, that's sorta funny. Yesterday I heard "pipes" and was thinking "Holy cow".

Shepard Sm*ith ran that clip 2 times saying something about see how fast she can run.

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