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November 30, 2004, 12:37 PM

BooBooXavierSpeedster is running around like a JayBird, naked that is. I'm having flashbacks, but she does use the potty. Man, she is skinny. She's got long arms and legs.

I emailed my mom and asked her to quit bugging me about my not wearing make-up and also said that it seems like she's constantly on me about my kids and never says anything to Todd about his. It's like with mine, she's making up for what she can't say to his kids.

The exchange went pretty good, she said she was saying the make up thing because she thought I'd feel better if I made myself up and then she feels I don't follow through with Boo and right now, she's right. It takes energy to actually get out of a chair and Lee and I realized a few weeks ago that we're not doing what we can with following through with some of her behviors. So all is fine. I think my mom was paranoid I was angry at her, but I wasn't, just very frustrated. I feel bad enough about myself as it is, going over there wasn't exactly great for my sensitive self right now.

They're good parents. They're great about babysitting and just do a lot for their grandkids. I know not everyone has the support so I don't take it for granted.

I've got another pecan pie in the oven right now. I put foil over the top for the time being to hopefully cut down on the top getting way too brown.

Cath took a shower this morning and she let me blow dry her hair. She's kind of a mouthy little thing right now, but I think she likes it when I am able to help her with that part of grooming. One on One attention she doesn't normally get and I have to make very sure that I do that for the kids. Cath has always been a mama's kid and if I make a point to give her one on one time, it makes a huge improvement.

A scone with clotted cream sounds really friggin good right now, but I'd do with just a scone.

Vegetable Kofta sounds good for dinner.

I'm so tired. I got up at 6am to check on the status of the sling on Eb@y. We'll see if LeBooBooXavierSpeedster decides to nap. Maybe she'll nap with me and talk about my bottom being big. It's so cute when little kids say stuff like that. Man, if Lee said it, I'd cry my eyes out. I teach my kids as they get older that saying stuff like that may hurt others feelings. When I was pregnant with Boo, Gia made a comment about my butt and I told her it was ok to say that to me right now, but remember to not say it to grandma or tell anyone else their butt is big. It might hurt feelings.

Boo wouldn't get it at this point.

I feel ok and the baby has hiccups. It feels funny. The OB said the hiccups are good. Sign of a healthy baby. I'm measuring large and am going in for another ultrasound here soon. I'm sure he's just big, but glad to have an ultrasound.

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