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December 08, 2004, 11:19 PM

Boo plays hide and seek by herself.

She counts.

"One! Two! Six! Eleven! Nine!"

U2 has been teaching my child how to count.

"One! Two! One! Two! Three! FOURTEEN!"

That package Terri. I've got it in the correct box and everything. And it might get sent even tomorrow!

I know it might because I'm in charge of sending it this time. It hasn't been a year, but if I leave it to someone else, it might take a year. I think Christmas is a good time to get packages. Even if they are used books.

I got a Xmas card from MYEXODUS. My first one! Probably my only one! I send out Christmas cards to my cousins and stuff and don't get anything back.

I don't like them much anyone.

Except for a few.

Last time we had a reunion, SIL and brother brought the kids and it was not an easy trek for them. EVERYONE had an opinion about the kids and how Zach HAS to be autistic and they would not shut up about it. It was fucking weird and I haven't had a real urge to see any of them.

One of my aunts has Huntington's disease and when she's not around, they can't shut up about that either. What they should and shouldn't be doing.

The girls VANS came yesterday and were wrapped today. I wrapped Auntie C's gifts. Muahahahaha. I almost wrote what it was, but I don't know if she still reads or not.

She works for an online payment sort of company that we're all familiar with and she's in charge of a new country, so she's just a little busy.

But, she bought a MOPED!

I'm jealous. Before I got pregnant, I was feeling really shitty. But before that, there was a time I felt pretty good, so I was going to take motorcycle saftey which then gets you your endorsement.

But, babies occur!

And that's fine.

Got my hair cut today and the woman was talking about her boy being 10 pounds. Ouch.

Ultrasound. Tomorrow.

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