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January 02, 2005, 11:14 AM

I'm having issues.

Issues, I say.

It's the last week here and I'm scared. I always get this way.

I have come to the realization that I don't have to make totally loud sounds or throw things to get the cats to stop what they're not supposed to be doing. Most of the time I just have to ask. They really do stop. Luckily, we do not have new or nice furniture so it's not wigging me out that much, but I still don't want them scratching the hell out of the furniture.

Boo is currently in my purse looking for purple make up. I got this lipstick brand "Jane" and I forgot the lipstick always tastes good.

Why did I leave my purse out?

Boo is constantly saying she wants something because "it feels her better."

Lee took the car today and we're pretty much stuck at home. Unless we want to walk and I'm not walking anywhere. I have planted my fat ass down and am staying down. It's amazing that maybe 7 to 10 pounds of baby packing in the front can do so much, but it's a total overhaul. 7 to 10 pounds of fat is hardly noticable, but having little feet stuck in your ribs is. Then there's the water surrounding the baby that makes it that much more bigger. Then the weight and water gain. The hormones put out to make your hips spread? It doesn't just make your hips widen, your feet can and do too. My feet seemed to have stopped at size 10, but pre-Cath, they were a size 9.

I'm just done. Sick of having a flu for 9 months. Barfing every morning. I was hauling ass to the bathroom this morning and Boo was directing traffic.

"Go in there, mom!"

I guess I don't really "haul ass". It's more of a waddle.

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