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January 09, 2005, 10:32 AM

I was reading some of the food lists and by the way

I HAVE NOT EATEN GUINEA PIG! I had that crossed through. The was just wrong.

. On the questionnaire a couple back, I find it humorous that "the last person you yelled at", a lot of us said one of our kids. Because it's honest. And they're the people that can make us crazier than anyone else on earth.

And I'm not really at peace. I'm pretty restless. Pacing. I laid in bed until 3 30 this morning wide awake. The only thing saving my sanity today is the fact that it snowed and I'm just about as excited as The AbominalSnowBoo. I got up with the intention of heading back to bed and saw the snow. The other night it was snowing around midnight and I nearly got Boo up to run down the street with her. If it was a weekend night and snowing, my brother and I would play outside late into the night.

But I told myself to go to bed.

Lee's off to the store to get kleenex, cough syrup and to see if B@rtell's has little boots for The AbominalSnowBoo. We don't plan ahead. Last year we didn't get snow. It used to snow every year but no more.

Regarding the governor race here in Washington, it should be a revote. Gregoire was all more than happy to use the tax payers money doing the 3 re-counts, 2 of which showed Rossi in the lead. So a revote isn't going to hurt anything. It'll cost money, but there are so many errors. I would think both parties running would be more than happy to do a revote to make sure everything was cool.

I can't think of any more to write, but I'm sure I'll be updating a few more times to try and get my mind somewhere else.

It's ME! The Abdominal Snow Person

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