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March 23, 2005, 10:06 AM

Thanks for the comments regarding the previous entry. It's nice to have the nice comments and then input about how a possible diagnosis isn't all bad and can have good outcomes.

And it hasn't happened so maybe it's just a flare gone awry.

BooBoo called Cath stupid this moring, but Cath didn't hear it. I told Boo not to call her that. Cath said "WHAT? What did she call me?"

Boo said "I called you It's None of Your Business."


Boo: "It's none of your business."


Earlier that morning.

I heard a god awful screech outside. Screaming. Woke me from a dead sleep. I finally figured out it was the chickens and knew what that meant.


(Auntie Poola made a great comment comparing the chicken situation to Terri S.)

("Interesting entry on the quality of life. Your chicken and Terry S. Both have merit. You have the right to make an easy choice with your chicken. Not so with a person. These are interesting times for sure.")

I opened the bedroom window and saw the chickens on the ground and out of the corner of my eye, I saw something on the 8ft high chain link kennel fence. A racoon had wounded a chicken and was going in after her. She is currently in a box here on the dining room table. She is mortally wounded. She is still alive. Her back bone is visible. Why do they have to be so fragile?

So I'm looking at the hairy thief hanging over the chain link trying to decide what to do. I tried to shoo him away. He decided he was down there and I was up there and wasn't going to get him. He proceeded to move as though he were going to get right in the coop. Lee went rushing out there, cursing, slipping and sliding and the racoon decided he'd get down. Lee later got all of the chickens into the coop and had to run the racoon out of the yard.

The chickens have been there a while and I'm surprised the racoons have just now found them. I'm not surprised the little sh*t climbed the fence in order to try and score some protein. Yes, I still like racoons.

I told Boo what had happened.

Boo: "Racoon's are UGLY!"

She's not happy, but I'm really not happy.

Poor gal. She's tough bird. Now she has to be euthanized.

Ben is a smiling Burrito again. The other chickens were upset and squawking in their house which woke him up. And probably the neighbors, but they have ducks who are quite loud. And probably better at getting away than chickens.

Speaking of the Terri S case. It does bug me congress got involved. It just does.

It looks as though she will now die. Why is it they had to let her go that way?

The whole thing boils down to me questioning the husbands motives. I just do. I told Gia about the case and how there really is no hope for recovery for her and that her husband is fighting for what he believes to be her wishes. I said that he now has a girlfriend and has two kids by her.

Gia: "That's just wrong! He's sick!"

I volunteered at a kids home where EVERYONE was on resperators and all had feeding tubes. Each person had a wall of supplies just for them. I don't know why we go to great lengths to keep people alive. But we do. Maybe it's selfish reasons. But it could go farther than that. That maybe we do just value life. Those kids couldn't do a thing by themselves and had to have 24 hour care. But the best thing about them were their smiles. Some of it was heartbreaking. But you could probably learn more about life being in the living room with the kids than anywhere else.

I think I may just be able to get Ben and Boo outside for a wagon ride.

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