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May 02, 2005, 2:00 PM

I took from LA who in turn took it from Chai who I have not put on my list and I have no idea why. Chai and Ingrid. I'm being lazy is what it is. So this is way better than butt-bleached-reading.

My uncle once: Put a firecracker under my Auntie's chair and when it went off, she went flying out of her chair. It seems cruel, yet I think I wet my pants laughing.

Never in my life: Would I intentionally be unsupportive of my kids.

When I was five: My mom put my hair in a bun on the top of my head for picture day.

High School was: Hell. I would never go back.

I will never forget: that just because people in this town seem to have no manners or consideration doesn't mean I have to be the same way.

I once met: A really nice Canadian boy.

There�s this girl I know who: Chew's with her mouth open. And she's pretty. Why do people chew with their mouth open.

Once, at a bar: I met a sailor (Ooo, at a bar, go figure) while married and liked him so much that while he wasn't looking, I left the bar. Restraint. (1st marriage)

By noon I�m usually: on my 3rd cup of coffee.

Last night: I ran out of me sleep medicine

If I only had: money

Next time I go to church, I: Will try not to think "get on with it already"

Terry Schiavo: Once a person

When I turn my head left, I see: My radio

When I turn my head right, I see: Out the front window and the mountains.

You know I�m lying when: Not sure. Lee says he can tell, it has to do with my body language.

What I miss most about the eighties: Music.

If I was a character written by Shakespeare, I�d be: The gravedigger in Hamlet.

By this time next year: I hope to have a flatter stomach and less cellulite.

A better name for me would be: Delilah, although not a beautiful Delilah.

I have a hard time understanding: People who want to cut down every fucking tree thus taking away many animal habitat

If I ever go back to school I�ll: Have gotten money.

You know I like you if: I talk to you

If I won an award, the first person I�d thank would be: My parents

Darwin, Mozart, Slim Pickens, and Geraldine Ferraro: Seemingly have nothing in common.

Take my advice, never: take your meds on an empty stomach

My ideal breakfast is: Swedish pancakes

A song I love, but do not have is: Real Men, *Joe*Jackson

If you visit my hometown, I suggest: The Waterfront

Tulips, character flaws, microchips, and track stars: Seemingly have nothing in common.

Why won�t anyone: Tell *Bill*O'Reilly to stuff it?

If you spend the night at my house, don�t: Chew with your mouth open at the dinner table.

I�d stop my wedding for: A crazed man with a machine gun

The world could do without: Politicians

I�d rather lick the belly of a cockroach than: Did you know the madagascar hissing cockroach gives birth to live babies?

My favorite blonde is: Owen Wilson. Oh yeah.

Paper clips are more useful than: Government

If I do anything well, it�s: paint

The last time I was drunk, I: got laid. Tequila makes me limber.

And, by the way: I play practical jokes a lot.

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