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June 07, 2005, 6:04 AM

HA! No injections.

4 pills once a week. The training was on what to do if I have a cold, if I have temp over 100.0, if I have certain symptoms. I had a chest xray and blood work to make sure I don't have lung disease because the meds could fuck that all up. I recieved a pneumonia shot. I didn't even know there was such a thing. Got a TB test. It was highly suggested to get a flu shot.

With my primary. Whom I do not like. She's alright. She's just not my favorite. My dad see's her and doesn't think much of her either. My mom LOVES her. So whatever.

I want Dr. M to come back. But it sounds like he really loves New York so I doubt it.

Benzer had a 101.5 temp yesterday but it's gone now. I like how Forty-Plus calls them "little nuggets" and that's what he is, a poor little nugget.

Nugget O' Baby. He's in his crib and not real happy. He's not really awake either. He's spitting up a lot of his bottle and I don't know if that's from coughing and gagging or if he has a stomach bug.

SIL kids are all sick. Again. I notice now with ZachMan having a diagnosis of @utism, if the kids are sick, she takes them into the doctor and wants answers and keeps saying she "doesn't understand". That makes me feel bad for her. They always have ear infections or the stomach flu or a cold.

He is still going to the bathroom in every room in the house too.

When my kids get sick, I do freak out, especially when they have fevers, but less so now because the nurses at work keep saying "...a fever of up to 104 is considered moderate. You only need to worry if it reaches 105." I'm like WHAT THE FUCK?! Are you all nuts? But it's true. The body needs the fever to get rid of whatever bug it has.

Anyway, Ben got up too early this morning and now he's back asleep and it's time to get the girls up.

Boo is sleeping with her eyes open. That's always a little unnerving.

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