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March 28, 2003, 12:02 PM

I was lying on the floor trying to read a book and BooBoolulu Happy head would back up and sit directly on my book. She keeps whispering to me and sitting in the circle of my arms. I kissed her little tiny arm and then she held out her other arm so that could get some attention too.

Then she put her hand down my shirt and said "BA". Then she giggled. What is up with that anyway? She is refusing to wear pants these days, happy to cruise around in her onesie. I feel like the white-trash momma. Letting her kid run around in her undies. When we get her up out of bed some mornings, she's naked as a jay bird. I think she gets bored because we take too long and decides to strip.

I had my hair cut a couple of weeks ago and it's already driving me beserk.

We're watching Esther for the 40 millionth time today. It is probably my favorite veggie tales movie.

Half day today for the older girls. I swear every other Friday is a half day. I'll bet the teachers don't even go to an inservice program. They have a "meeting" that consists of Starbucks coffee, donuts and monopoly. All day.

My latest banner. It's actually Christina Aguilarawhatever her last name is.

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