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January 30, 2003, 2:08 AM

It's 2am and what am I doing awake? Don't know. 3rd entry today so that pretty much sums up my life. I'm feeling a little unbalanced. I also think I need to be less opinionated. Did I spell that right? I know I am not better than anyone else, it's just that i read something and I get very fired up very quickly and feel compelled to spill my guts about what I read, in this case, different diaries. I'm sure more than one person is sick as hell when I write tips, or a "Yeah, I know how you feel!" kind of note. Or "dude, that sucks" kind of GB entry.

Oh well, tough shit. That's what we're here for, right? I think comments or just plain reading other diaries really helps me in a lot of ways.

And the quote of the day from Missleigh's friend Kerrie:

"I don't think that I would have been given this much in my life to handle if I wasn't actually capable of handling it."

***I go back and read entries of mine and I think where on earth did I get this mouth of mine?

It's purge I tell you.

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