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Take the time out to read article I linked at the bottom o the page.I know it's a busy time, but it's a good article.

December 23, 2003, 12:24 AM

Currently Terri with an "i" and a heart and Troy the Tentative, are playing on the back of my neck . Shit howdy does it hurt when one starts to fall and ends up clinging for dear life on your shirt. So my hair is the best place to play I guess. It's getting long. I don't know what to do with it.

I took them in for a vet appointment at PAWS and they're fine. They're bellies seemed big to me and the foster care coordinator thought so and gave them a dose of banana flavored de-wormer. Terri with an "i" and a heart is now half way up on my head. Troy the Tentative is trying to figure out how to get down.

Ok, how big can my ass get?

We shall see.

I like big butts and I cannot lie, you other brotha's can't deny, when a young girl walks in with an itty bitty waist and a round thing in your face, you get-

Ok, but I have no itty bitty waist.

I did change to my winter purse. I got it at Ol*d Na*vy last year.

It's all about fashion, right?

I was reading how Del*la Rees*e is a preacher at the Bette*r LIvin*g Churc*h and preaches about abundant living.

"There ain't nothin' up there. If you would read that Bible, you would know," she tells a hand-clappying congregation. "Jesus Christ said the only time is now. So whatever it is you want, nees or desire or just like to have, you better try to get it now, 'cause this is the only time there is."-De*lla Ree*se

And this other dudes philosophy is:

"...racism dies out in the face of money. Money kills a lot of adversity."

"Abundance...."is not necessarily money, " she {Dell*a Rees*e} adds. It's "being able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it, as much of it as you want to."

I just can't get into that philosophy. Shit, I almost spelled philosophy "philosofy".

Sure, to help people, I suppose there has to be money to do it...but I have no money and I still help people. In any way I can. Money does sort of lessen the racism, but then that means that money is all that the person is worth. Take away the money and there's racism. It hasn't gone away, it's just hidden. To be able to do what you want to do, when you want to do it. That's so fucking self absorbed to me. Because in the real world, we do have to work. We do have kids. We have to pay for school supplies and whatever field trip needs to be paid for. The CD that the choir makes. The T shirt for the choir. $18 here. $25 there.

I don't think Dell*a Rees*e has kids. I just can't get into that sort of "me me me" attitude. It's not rewarding.

Material things are also not really rewarding. They're superficially rewarding. But when you die, people aren't going to remember you for the stuff you had. They're going to remember you for what you did. Or remember that you had a great sense of humor. Or remember that you helped them feel better when you got a bad review at work.

I just can't get into that.

OH! and a very liberal Rabbi's point of view on the Bush haters.

Just some random quotes on how the world needs some civility.

"My message today is a plea-a plea for a new civility in a world where the ratings and book sales seem to belong to the one who is the most combative, negative and downright nasty.

When holding up an ipinion for disagreement, this is how you should "treat the person with whom you disagree," henceforth TPWWYD:

Please do not call TPWWYD "stupid". Even is this is true, how relevant is it to the argument? If intelligence were the most relevant requirement for our leaders, we should ditch democracy and resort to the Platonic philosopher-King.

As a liberal, I am privy most often to harsh criticism directed at those on the right....

I would venture to say that most of the people who call George Bush "stupid" have IQ's and SAT's below his.

OK and this is the best one people:

"I would be very reticent to say of TPWWYD - (treat the person with whom you disagree) "this is an evil person."

Some people and some positions are evil. As a Jew, I can think of no other word for Hitler and Nazism. But the word becomes meaningless when it comes to denote every person whom you think is wrong or misguided. There need to be gradations in our rhetoric.

If you analyze sarcasm at its core, it is a cowardly way of closing the door to serious counter-argument. It essentially dismisses the other point of view without being open to hearing it out.

But all too often, we liberals will criticize Bush's use of phrases like "axis of evil," as we should, but then end up using similar language in our criticism."

Ok, enough. If you want to read the whole thing, and please take some time to because James L. Mire*l has hit on something lost on all of us.

What Went Wrong? A plea for civility in a combative world

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