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Voting is for the absentee's

October 21, 2004, 11:09 AM

I missed my absentee ballot coming in the mail and found it this morning. I filled it out and sent it off. Voted some republican, some democrat.

Who did I vote for for President? Not telling. I get caught up in politic stuff sometimes on here. I get mad when people are so fucking vile and angry and accusatory. Really, what's the point in getting caught up in negative energy? We all do, I sure do. I guess that I don't have that much bitterness or something. I can.

Like in regards to Assclown. Actions speak louder than words, as the saying goes. GW's actions speak louder than any empty promise Lee could get.

FruitopiaBoo is extremely happy because her daddy bought fruit snacks. She's a fruit snack junky, or would be if we bought them more than a box once a month.

She's also way into the princess thing and talking about getting married. This sort of bothers me to where I think maybe we should lay off "Snow Wipe" and "Cinderella". I printed off some disney color pages of princesses and omitted the ones where the particular princesses are with their prince's. Just too much.

I'm on Dick Blick trying to figure out which roll of paper to buy. Barbara. Muahahahahahahahahahahahaha

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