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The Ben communicates or something

February 01, 2005, 11:32 PM

I think Ben is trying to communicate with me. His mouth is in the shape of an O and he looks surprised. He's looked surprised for the past 5 minutes. The communication part is him waving his little hands like he's an air traffic controller dude. Only much shorter.

My boobs are really sad right now. They're not sad as in depressed, they look sad. I swear with each kid I am shocked at how much they sag and then they just go down that much further. Pretty soon I'll be able to tuck them into my underwear. My nipples do not point downward. I'm sure you all were wondering that to yourselves. I just remember Dana's boyfriend was saying that if your boobs sag and you have a lift, there's a lot less scar tissue if your nipples still stare straight ahead instead of pointing down. So there you go. I will never have a lift, but if I were going to, I can be rest assured that there will be less scar tissue.

I don't remember any of the other girl's diapers being so plutonium-ish. Ben's, bless his little shortness, has some bad stuff going on in the diaper department. Nevermind that I can never seem to time his peeing, but his poop could make a grown man cry. I do remember my brother saying when he babysat: "Wow, that Boo." Meaning you could tell when it was her that pooped. It must be the soy.

Still no milk. Like they're just dry man. Cheese Mon Capiton Ron?. Not that either.

I am the worst mother in the world. Ok, not really, but the girls made forts they are sleeping in. Boo and Gia are in the same fort. I moved the blanket so I could see Boo and Gia. Gia didn't make hers too sturdy so whatever was holding up one end up of the blanket on Boo's side fell and hit Boozer on the head and she cried. So I suppose it's better that I moved it so that when she moved in the middle of the night it didn't fall down on her. But I feel bad. She said something and went right back to sleep. Gia moved over and slurred that her arm hurt or something.

Gia is one funny kid. There are times I get overly stressed out and Boo is all over me. At a time when I don't necessarily want Boo all over me. Gia always, always redirects Boo to do something else. Gia is 10 years old. Instead of me putting thought in as to how I could redirect Boo, Gia just does it and leaves me to wonder how she "gets" that ate age 10. But she has always been that way with Boo. Lee came home and fell asleep on the couch with a Boozer crawling all over him. Gia immediately said "Boo, come on and lets go read a book." and had DaBoo following her immediately.

And where is my head at? Why don't I think to do this when it's happening?

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