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July 01, 2006, 3:26 PM

Thank you for all the comments. Really.

I'm not sure how it's going over with me. I don't think Lee knows either. It'll hit me in a few years since I have a tendancy not to deal with anything for while. That sounds about right.

I took Friday off and got mixed up on my medication day..the pain shot. Or it's supposed to help with joint stuff. Today is a very tired day.

I'm doing chiropractic and now I have feeling in my upper legs. Now the shots fucking hurt!

Ben is doing Chiropractic too. It's not the regular snap-and-pop chiro, it's different. Some gentle adjustments have done some amazing things for him in the past week. We've not even started the speech therapy. Pretty interesting stuff. I'm keeping a weekly journal and the chiropractor is following him. It's not the first DD kid he's had, but it's the first one he's keeping track of. The placement of his lower occipital is off and now they're moving. This is something that my friend's boyfriend had noticed (cranio-facial plastic surgeon) when Ben was 5 months old. He mentioned Ben might have to wear a helmet if it didn't go back.

Who knows really. Ben has those eyes. The same eyes that my nephew has and that a friend's nephew has. I looked at a picture of HER nephew and said "Wow, Ben's got those same eyes. I don't know if all autistic kids have that. We don't know if that's what Ben has. He just does all that repetitive behavior. Over and over again. Hates different surfaces. He likes flat surfaces. No gravel, grass or hills.

But yesterday, he was all about grass, dirt, gravel and going down the driveway and down the street. With me re-directing him.

We shall see.

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