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Canadian dudette point of view

March 22, 2003, 5:55 PM

Ok ok. One more thing about the war. But not from me. It's from anonymous. I know who it is but won't link to her unless she wants me to.

BTW, I respect your feelings...just my two cents. Iraq has not said it would release chemical weapons if the U.S. attacked. It was the U.S. who said Iraq would release chemical weapons when they attacked. If Iraq had said they'd be defending themselves with chemical weapons, the U.N. would be running to back up the U.S. As it stands now, Bush was too cowardly to put the new resolution for war against Iraq to the U.N. because he knew it would fail. Instead he decided he was above Interational Law and went in without consensus. At this moment, the U.S., Britain, and any other nation offering support to the invasion is in acting in just as much contravention to International Law and the United Nations as Saddam was by not disarming. I am really hoping that by invading Iraq, that the U.S. proves their case, because so far Saddam's big bad regime has consisted of Iraqi's with little weaponry wearing t-shirts wearing white flags while the U.S. has bragged about the sophistication of it's new weaponry and how it is going to help deceive, and hurt people. As for what Britain is going to get out of it? He wants Bush to solve the "Irish" Question for him. If they can go into Iraq without the legitimacy of the U.N. then they can go anywhere. Blair does not have the support. He is barely hanging on. One Minister quite over it for goodness sake! Blair is going to get booted out of office so face he won't know what hit him. Yes, Saddam is bad. Saddam should have disarmed. But nothing he could have done would have been enough for the Bush administration. I have great respect for Colin Powell, prefer him to the president actually. But Bush has wanted war from the very beginning. He would have gone in in September, alone, if he had not been convinced to at least try to get international support. If Saddam stirred outside his own borders, the U.N. would have cried foul right away. No question about it. But this is not about 9.11. Most of the terrorists were from SAUDIA ARABIA . There has been no proof that Saddam was involved. As for U.S. administrations "waiting"'s been done. * 3 years to join the first world war * 3 years to join the second world war * several years of women living under the Taliban asking for aid, but it took the 9.11. to change anything (And there are many other nations besides the U.S. still in afganistan today) And yeah, this is an emotional subject. As a Canadian, I'm worried. We're the number one supplier to the U.S. for oil. Cheaper oil is better for American business...that's why the stockmarket is soaring... Your country has tried to take our resources at least once, and annexing us has been discussed in congress or cabinet or whatever back in the first 50 years of the century. We're the first. Iraq is the fifth largest oil producer. So what's going to happen to us if we piss Bush off enough? I weep for Mighty Athens who has fallen into Tyranny.

This Canadian makes a good point and if I were in Canada or anywhere else other than the US, I know I'd be wondering the same thing.

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