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Cath's Bday, part uno

October 15, 2004, 4:53 AM

My friend, your Friendly-Neighborhood-Police-Man, allegedly has a collection of GI Joe action figures. That when described sound a lot like a group of Barbie dolls.

But they're GI Joe action figures.

We were talking about these GI Joe's when I referred to them as dolls.

That Little Squeaky Voice in the back of my head suddenly realized what I had said to Your-Friendly-Neighborhood-Police-Man and Little Squeaky Voice said

oh no..

A voice said:

They are not dolls.

I think I laughed for a good 5 minutes in between hacking-coughing fits.

Speaking of


I put Boo's Chubby Kitty in this swim vest inner tube thing she has. She noticed and was all mad about it.

"OH Daddy!!!! Don't do that to Chu Kitty!"

She just kept going on and on about it.

"Boo, I did that!"

"MOMMY, don't do that!!!!!"

"Say please."

"Please don't do that mommy!!!!"


Got 25 small bags of candy ready for Cath's class. Woohoo!

"For those who dare not join the pumpkin butt club due to a flat butt, never fear, one dimensional pumpkin shapes are welcome too, right?"

You are so right Lana. It could resemble just the actual texture of a pumpkin, which could or could not be a bad thing.

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