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deformational plagiocephaly

April 24, 2005, 10:23 AM

Watching the news a ways back, I heard they would only play a *Brittney(Sp?)Spears video at night because it showed her


Cavorting around an airplane lavatory with a guy.

But she was fully dressed and all. Oh oh oh, *toxic. That was it.

So it's 10am on a SUNDAY MORNING and I'm flipping around and M*T*V* has *50Cent - *Candyshop on.

Can we just say EXCUSE ME? They won't show a BS video and it PALES in comparison to the hoochiness of the *50cent video.

They've got a woman pouring chocolate on another woman in a bathtub, people! They have some woman shaking her booty really hard and the camera is so close you can determine when her last bikini wax was.

I have an idea, show all that at night! There's another video called ...I don't know. *Candygirl? I was watching all the hoochie video's a few weeks ago. *LilKim classifies as a hoochie to me. And I was all like "Whoa!" and I having to avert Ben's eyes.

See this is what happens when you're stuck at home.

But c'mon. They show ALL the hoochie stuff early and B.Spears has to be a late night thing. PUH LEESE.

In other news, Ben's head is flat on the right side. I noticed it and started giving him more tummy time and holding him in my other arm. The pediatrician noticed it and said to do that. Last night, Dana's boyfriend was looking at it and said I'll have to be pretty anal about making him lay on the side that's not flat to avoid a shaping helmet. The flat head term: deformational plagiocephaly.

I'm like, shit.

My poor little flat head. I always tended to hold the girls in the same arm and they didn't have flat head problems. I was giving Ben a bath 2 days ago and washing his head, I was like "WHOA! I didn't realize his head was that flat in back.

He's such a neat little baby. He's talking A LOT these days.

Me. I still feel like a truck hit me.

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