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April 18, 2003, 8:08 PM

I finally see an article about Shepard Smith. I can't believe I haven't seen an article about him before. He would be the only reason I watch Fox News when I watch it. Oh well, him and Laurie Dhue.

Laurie Dhue is my role model.

Yeah, but we've been through all that before.

So he's called the Cable King. His ratings have tripled in the past 2 months. Oh yeah. It's not just because he's a hot man with a tight ass, it's because of his style of reporting.

I'm about to go bonkers right now. BooBooLuLuUnhappy head is crying her little baby eyes out. She went to sleep. Now she's awake agin. My dilemma is do I get her up? Do I rock her little baby self. Oh yeah, now she screaming.

Be Right Back.

Phew! She pooped. I don't know how they do that in their sleep, but she does that on a regular basis. She's been in a bad mood since about 5 because she didn't get a good nap in. Because her sister was throwing a fit. CathCath was. I was not impressed. CathCath was in her room and stayed under her covers for at least 30 minutes, which means she really was upset. Not a good sign. I'm on the depressed side of things and that's what I do when I'm in a bad mood. I don't do that a lot. I don't lie in the fetal position often. Dani the Destroyer and I barged into Cath's room and got in bed with her, which cheered her right up. Dani decides that she's going to lay right on Cathy's head and Cath thought that was hilarious.

Then DPH, the girl's dad, came by to pick them up. He got a haircut. That was shocking. It's still a mullet. And he still looks really old. And I fucked him. NOT TODAY, back then.

Seriously gross. What was I thinking?

But hey, if it hadn't been for him, I wouldn't have the girls.

And I love them. Because they're so cute.

And then of course spousal is gone all the time. It's been a busy month for him. I keep saying that though. Since he started this job, I keep saying it's a busy month. The hard part is I know he has to work. I know he does. But he works such odd hours that it's really hard for me to keep doing what I need to do to keep from going nuts. Everything has to work around his schedule and I KNOW he's the money maker. I know this. I'm not dissin the boy. It's just that everything I do has to take a back burner to his stuff. It would be one thing if he had a nine to five kind of job. But he doesn't. He works noon to ten. Or in today's case, 9am to 10pm. That just seems a little excessive. I never figured him to ever be a workaholic and that's what it's shaping up to be. I told him I'm pretty lonely, looking him straight in the eye.


So yeah. Enough of the bitching. I'm very much considering a night job. Actually it's something I've considered since Dani the Destroyer was born. I dunno. I don't relish the idea of getting a part time job. That usually means retail and I'm tired of that. The only job that wouldn't interfere with his schedule and I wouldn't have to have daycare would be something at night. I've been looking around. Sent out a couple of resum�s. Did you ever have something hit you as in "This is something I need to do."? That happened to me a few weeks ago. Which means I need to. For me.

I doubt if I'm making a lot of sense here, but ya know, it's my damn diary.

10:34pm**Oh oh oh, Did I not mention Sean Hannity? Ok, he's a pretty close second to Shep Smith. And I just didn't know Irisheyes70 had a diaryring. A Sean Hannity diaryring. And I had to join. This means there has to be a Shepard Smith one out there. If there isn't, I'm makin it. And I did. Oh yeah baby. Hey you know, Bill O'Reilly had a hooker on one night and she said all the gals at the Chicken Ranch were making bets on who was better, Sean Hannity or Bill O'Reilly. We all know the answer to that.

Sean Hannity.

C'mon people, Bill O'Reilly??

Well, ok yeah. He could be ok.

When you really stop and think about it, Sean Hannity looks like he'd be the dominant kind.

Yeah, JudyBean I saw what you said about us liberals. That was pretty funny.

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