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The Epidemic

October 17, 2003, 11:22 AM

Another diarist recommended this book and I just received it.

The Epidemic. The Rot of American Culture, Absentee and Permissive Parenting, and the Resultant Plague of Joyless, Slefish Children.

It's totally not all that crap about self esteem in kids and shit.

On the back it says

15 ways to Ruin Your Child and Your Life.

1. Don't plan ahead. Don't think early on about arranging a secure home in which to raise a child. Especially, don't pick a husband or wife with character traits that would make him or her a true partner and supporter as you rear your children.

2. Leave your infant to be raised by an inadequate or unconnected caretaker for too many hours.

4. Give in to your child's whims on everything and demind nothing in return. That will make up for neglect.

9. Be sure your three or four year old child sleeps in your bed, suckles, wears diposable underwear, and is pushed around in a stroller while you get your exercise.

15. Never give your child chores or expect her to be a partner in running the house.

It's gonna be a good book.

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