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Sierra CLUB? She's a fanatic!!!!

November 05, 2004, 10:51 AM

Just stuff. I don't know.

It could be because I'm pregnant that I just don't want



I was reading Captainron and there was a reason we started writing in here and it wasn't to censor everything.

Which isn't what I'm doing. I don't think at least. There's just some stuff I don't want to get into right now. I'm hugely depressed and not having a great go of it right now. Self preservation possibly.

And by the way, lets say I was ULTRA conservative, what makes anyone think they can talk to me that way? What makes you think that you have every right to be disresepctful because I could be conservative? I will never get that but it reminds me all the more to be respectful to people. I'm not always.

I get mad. I lash out. It could be what I'm best at.

Fine, I'm anti-war. Very much so. Always have been.
I love trees. I hate the clearcutting.
Sierra Club member.
PETA? have some trouble with them, but support PAWS and used to volunteer there.
WTO? It benefits us, not them.
HEMP. All for it. Marijuana? No.
Free speech. Vegetarian. No nukes. Save the whales.

OH MY GOD, she has to be from the Pacific NORTHWEST!

Something I realize is that when people vote for Bush, it doesn't make them stupid and us superior. I don't take it personally that my sister in law is for the war. Her brother is in the war. They feel totally that he is doing what's right. Will they feel that way if heaven forbid he comes home in a body bag? I don't even want to think about him going at all. I hate the thought and I shouldn't even write it, but we all have that thought in the back of our heads. If your kid comes home dead, I know I'd be wondering if it was worth it.

I could go on and on. The problem with writing on here is that people read and comment and it's not always pleasant, but the good thing with writing on here is that there's way more people that are wiling to debate and a lot of supportive people.

This whole diary thing was a experiement to see if I could really let people read my brain stuff. I started out with a locked diary and eventually unlocked it and realized there were a few people reading it. I had 5 people! I remember emailing Lee at work:


We have a huge diverse country. Stating the obvious, but would we really have it any other way? I wouldn't. It would be just to easy.

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