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Guy thing

October 14, 2004, 7:31 PM

So being a FOX news junkie in some sort of way, really a cable news junkie, I just now see the O'Reilly Lawsuit.

Do I believe it? I just don't care. A president of the United States can get away with harrassing women or having poor behavior in the white house, I just don't think too much about the fact that this woman is going after him for $60 million. And the same people who were saying we shouldn't be the moral police with Clinton will go after O'Reilly with a vengence. Just watch.

Ge*rge Cl**ney'll have a field day.

I'll watch to see what happens, sure. 10 years ago I had a guy grab me at work. And I mean he grabbed me. In a very bad way. Sure as hell not worth $60 million. You can bet if I felt I was wronged, I wouldn't tell someone to give me $60 million to keep it quiet.

Man, it's not been a great day here. I haven't slept, which isn't a big deal aside that I have to work and when I don't sleep, I throw up more and puking at work does not work for me. Running down the hall, trying to remember that fucking combo number.

They called me to see if I could do the whole shift. Oh no. It sounds funny, but I have Cath's Bday tomorrow and I don't do this night shift thing on a regular basis. Lee leaves for work about 10:30 and that gives me an hours sleep to then deal with EnergizerBoo for the rest of the day. She's not a big napper these days. I just can't do it.

Lee should be home soon. Ok, no probably not. He was supposed to leave 15 minutes ago and I'll bet anything he hasn't left yet. I think that's pretty ridiculous. There is not a day he works that something doesn't happen to where he can't get his rear out of there.

Maybe it's a guy thing.

You know, I didn't watch the debate. But I saw the clip where Kerry brings up the fact that Cheney's daughter is lesbian. Edwards did this too. I couldn't figure out why. It was just oddball. Then Mort Kondracke (Democrat) stated he thought it was a very low blow. He said what they're doing is bringing it up to make sure that people who haven't heard it, hear it so that maybe they won't vote for Bush.

That is a low blow. I don't give a shit how anyone justifies it. I just don't know if I can vote. I can't stomach any of either side anymore.

But I have to because of the Charter School thing. Yes for charter schools. I've always been in support of them. I'm hoping for this time around.

"Are you my Boo?"

"No, I not Boo, I Danielle."


"Yes, I not Boo anymore."

Not Boo? How can she NOT be Boo?

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