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March 30, 2003, 7:19 PM

It was so warm today. What is going on? I'm starting to really like this global warming thing.

I cleaned Northshore today and it was ok. Joel just happens to be there every Sunday these days, which is mildy dissapointing because A) He's not my type and B)I like cleaning alone. But then I start to think about it and I'm glad he's there. He's very pleasant and it sucks to be around the industrial area of town on a Sunday. There is NO ONE around and quite frankly, I'm a wuss.

I had just finished mopping the women's bathroom floor and went into the kitchen area to get something. I came back into the bathroom to get out the vacuum and proceeded to do the splits on the wet floor, which was not at all what I intended to do at that particular moment in time. Damn it all me being a klutz. Mangoboy, I don't think being a total fuck-up is all it's cracked up to be.

I left. Limping all the way.

I came home to find that we have hard pear cider in the fridge. I just poured a glass and plopped in a bunch of blueberries. Just so you know, from this moment forward, I am no longer responsible for anything I say or do.

Oh ok, no excuses. I just fear I may be loose tongued. Which tends to happen with or without hard cider.

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