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baby's got her bluejeans on

March 18, 2003, 9:12 PM

I got back today after going over to Silverdale to see Sandi. We had a great time and picked up right where we left off about 6 years ago. I had to have her teach me how to apply make-up because I'm out of practice. And you know, I looked really good. My butt even looked good and I NEVER think my butt or anything looks good. It felt good to feel that way for a change. Possibly anti-depressants are finally kicking in? We walked into the first place and got quite a few greetings as we walked in the door.

The guy she is "seeing" was there and was pretty much blowing her off, but she handled it pretty well. She pointed out a few guys that had given their phone numbers to her. One in particular I was really comfortable talking with all night. Sandi was making out with some dude she'd just met so I was hanging around him and his friends. I had a great time (Sandi wasn't making out with the guy all night).

I got off the ferry and met spousal and instantly he was feeling insecure. That's what he said. He was looking like he wasn't feeling all that great about me being gone last night. He doesn't know Sandi from a hole in the wall and plus there's the fact that she's faithfully challenged. That would make me uncomfortable too, but I've gone out with Sandi many times and never once did I do anything I shouldn't be doing. I'm not easily influenced and quite frankly, she'd kick my ass if I did. Sandi is a wonderful friend and someone I can talk to about anything. Those people are quite rare and I hold onto them.

This morning I felt like having a BK Veggie because I was feeling hung-over a little under the weather. I just kept eating cooked food. Just the day before I'd had two salads and about 3 oranges. It took me a while to realize that my body is getting used to eating a lot of raw food and probably using it more efficiently. The cooked food loses it's nutrients and you have to eat more to get what you need. That's what I think anyway. I had a salad of baby spinach and other greens and haven't eaten since.

Yeah for me.

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