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May 17, 2003, 8:59 PM

How many sips does it take to get fucked up on daquiri's? Not too many for me. I'm a lightweight. My friend was over the other day with her husband and let me tell you, she can drink a lot. The more rum I put in those babies, the better she liked them.

Whew. Spousal was supposed to be home by 7 to 7:30. It's 10pm now and he's still not back. Frustrating because Boo and I were waiting up for him because he's bringing her favorite food in the whole world, Indian. She likes the butter chicken and chick pea thing, I think it's chana masala, but then again, chana masala might just be a spice. It's a chick pea whatever. She's going to be one hungry little hippette tomorrow. I was lying on my stomach on the living room floor and she was lying on my legs, the opposite way, with her little feet on my butt and fell asleep. Didn't even budge when I picked her up and put her in bed. She didn't get a good nap today.

My single friend Rachel is having twins. I might have mentioned this before, but I can't remember and I'm too lazy to go back and look. Plus, also, I've had a couple of drinks and I'm messed up. I was supposed to go see her yesterday but forgot and stopped by to see if she was home. She wasn't. I left some baby things there for her. Gotta stock up. Yeah, I did mention this before, I seem to recall.

AND OH MY GOD, DID I TELL YOU ABOUT THE FUCKING WILDLIFE CENTER? I'm starting my actual shift two Wednesdays from now, but next Wednesday I have a class to take and then the day after my shift, I have to take an ethics class. I am so excited, I could pee myself. I will refrain from doing so.

I know I've mentioned my bowel movements on this vegan diet, and they're about the same whilst on the raw diet, if not more explosive, for lack of a better term. Man, today the turtle was poking its head out and I was desperately clenching just so I didn't have an accident. But after you pinch a loaf like you do when you eat a lot of fiber, you do feel good. Like you're cleaning out your system. OH YEAH!

I think my manic neighbor is trying for the Coture Bag Lady look. This isn't a bad thing. I went over today and visited and she showed me a bunch of rocks she got. She also had made jello with a bunch of crap in it. Thank god I'm vegan and could claim I don't eat jello, well, because I don't. But you know, if I did eat jello, I wouldn't have wanted to eat this particular jello. It had a lot of fruit in it along with marshmellows, which also have gelatin in them, but that's beside the point because it looked like something you just wouldn't want to put in your mouth.

Then her husband came home with his mom visiting from Colorado and the 5 kids. They had gone to Uwajimaya and bought a bunch of food and I had some Inari. Which was a site better than jello with a bunch of crap in it.

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