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Migraine design really doesn't give me a headache. It's coincidence

March 01, 2005, 3:50 PM

Huh. Thanks for the compliments on the picture. And it was just my forehead! Well, and eyes.

I don't know how to react because all I can feel is my fat ass following me around.

ENN5393 (who by the way has no weight problems and I'm quite sure HER ass isn't following her around)

Where did you go??? What is up with you? email [email protected] if you happen to see this.

I hate it when people stop writing in their diaries. I want them to continue for all time, but invariably it stops for some reason. It's sad! It's the Diaryland wasteland of abandoned diaries.

Shit. I'm dizzy. I feel a migraine coming on. A double-vision type migraine. I read something very valuable from SUPERMOM, take 3 tylenol and 2 benadryl. And that's what I'm going to do.

BigBen was a fountain of foul smelling soy formula this morning. He and I were both covered in it.

I have to go or else typing any more really will make me vomit.

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Tanya McBee Gunby | Create Your Badge