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Yup, pretty much.

September 03, 2003, 8:14 PM

I did give SickABoo a bath and she's better. Motrin takes awhile to get going, but once it does, it lasts a while. She is better right now. I appreciate all the unsolicited advice because ...I just do. Makes me feel better. I'm at home and no adult interaction. And there are adults somewhere out in the world.

AND OH MY GOD, my friend karen's boy is 16 and having SEX. She said "I'm not ready for this!" and I said "Dude, I'm NOT READY FOR THIS!"

haha. I used to nanny for them. He's having SEX. My word.

Today's Seattle Times article was about the Raw Foods diet was pretty good.

I still eat a lot of fresh fruit, but I found I can't and don't want to do totally raw.

The woman in the article, Nora Lenz, was saying how she made a choice to dump her old friends because she wanted to live her life and eat the way she wanted to eat without being criticized.

Ok, to me that's way to extreme. I know who Nora is and that's wierd. She also doesn't "combine" her food by eating it all at one time. She eats one thing at a time, like a melon. And then she waits. ?

"Hey, I decided to be a RAW foodist and you aren't eating the way I'm eating, which is the right way, therefore you're bad and I must dump you as a friend."

Another guy in the article referred to his old way of eating as his "abusive dietary childhood."

The word an opposer to this diet used was virtuousness.

And that's just what I didn't like about the raw foodists I dealt with. They're better because they eat that way. They base the way they are as a person with their food. They think way too much about their food. Not just thinking about what you put into your body, they were obsessive.

I just don't feel that way. I eat mostly vegan because I want to. I ignore my friends comments (seth), which are mostly just jokes and after a while, people just drop it. Or they make the occasional joke. Just the way people are with anything else. If you're doing something different the norm, then everyone makes comments on it. That's life. I don't change friends because I can't take the comments.

Anyway, obsessive is the word I use for a lot of the raw foodists I dealt with.


I got a cook book, Vegan Planet, because it doesn't have a list of ingredients you have to shop for at a specialty store and you don't have to prep everything for hours before hand. It's great.

Don't believe me?

Try this.

Mom's Best Chocolate Chip Cookies

2 cups unbleached flour

1/2 tsp baking soda

1/2 tsp salt

1 cup firmly packed light brown sugar or natural sweetner

1/4 cup pure maple syrup

1/2 cup corn oil

egg replacer for 2 eggs(if you want to, buy Ener-G egg replacer. I LOVE it because it works for everyone...great if you use eggs and run out, you can use it in anything)

1 1/2 cups semisweet vegan chocolate chips.

1/2 cup chopped nuts (optional)

Basically, oil two cookie sheets. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.

Throw all the shit together because that's all I do. Drop dough onto cookie sheets 2 inches apart. Bake 15 to 18 minutes.



There you go. Vegan chocolate chips aren't hard to find. Ener-g egg replacer is probably in the health food section of the grocery store.

Just try it. Like I said, egg replacer is great. I usually use egg replacer for 3 eggs. It works better for me.

Yup, pretty much.

So anyway, I don't preach. I just shut up and eat. But since it's my damn diary, I'll tell you why I eat this way.

Because I dont' think animals are ours. Do I sound like a PETA bumpersticker or what? But it's true. That's how I see it. They weren't put on the planet for us to use and abuse. And not everyone agrees with that. And we agree to disagree.

I mean, most people I know do not want to abuse animals. But they still think meat is what you should eat. And that's the way it is.

Blah blah blah, betty. Blah blah blah

It's time for

Betty's Diary of Pain

My nausea is back. Shit. Fuck. Damn. Hell. Penis.

I don't want it again, but here it are. And I feel perpetually sick. The flu-like symptoms are back.

They're heeeere

The song by Mya. My Love is Like...Wo

I was thinking about that. If it were my song, it would be "My Love Is Like.....oh."

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