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March 15, 2003, 6:50 PM

The other day the girls were at Pioneer Clubs. There's a couple there from somewhere in South American and have twin daughters. One is functioning normally and the other has cerebral palsy. Last year I thought about asking them if they had a babysitter and then decided against it as they have friends that come to church with them and I felt stupid asking. I generally feel stupid a lot.

I was talking to the mom and asked her if she had people babysitting so she and her husband could get out. Her answer:


So then I felt really bad because I should've offered earlier. So I offered and she said:


She actually got my address and had paperwork for becoming a respite care worker. And it arrived today. So I gotta fill that out. It'll be fun. I'm used to working with developmentally disabled adults and working with kids will be good. I did do that volunteering last year for the medically fragile kids, but found that to be too hard mentally. They were really bad off and I know T can understand quite a bit. Her little 4 year old brain is there.

Now if I could just remember the parents names.

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