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No water

November 04, 2004, 12:15 PM

Boo is doing her happy chewy candy dance.

I just saw this headline about "How Kerry called to concede."

Somehow I just don't think there's any mystery as to how this happened. He picked up a phone. Maybe even dialed a number.

Flipping around the cable news stations and saw Al@n C*olmes is looking quite sick. Like he's lost a bunch of weight. He's always skinny, but he looks gaunt. I was listening until Hannity started in and then the channel had to be changed. When O*liver N*rth is on? Forget it. Colmes can't even speak.

The fact that Eliz@beth Edw@rds has breast cancer is sad. Cancer is bad. But it sounds like what she has is more progressed.

I had a friend that had breast cancer at age 25. A person just doesn't realize how involved even the seemingly minor surgeries are. She had a lump but had to have A LOT of stuff removed, even tissue in the arm. She had to have this drain thing put in. Then the chemo and loss of hair and then radiation on top of that. Medications to stop the nausea. Doctor appointment after doctor appointment. Blood draw after blood draw. It's just long, involved, expensive and tiring. I thought it was great that her insurance paid $700 towards a real hair wig. When I worked for our local blue, NONE of the policies I ever ran into covered that type of thing.

If I lost my hair, I don't think I'd do the wig thing. I'd be hat lady.

Boo is super Rose Princess. That's all she wants to wear. That's ok, but if we go out, I don't want her to be wearing this flimsy costume. I forgot to hide it last night.

Now super Rose Princess having a bad manner moment.

STILL no water heater and I want to take a nap and can't. Because he might come with a "direct vent" water heater, whatever that is. He was all set to put in a regular one and this one is not a normal water heater.

You don't realize how much you use hot water until it's gone.

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