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April 01, 2003, 8:38 PM

2nd update.

Do you ever want to drop-kick your kids? I do at times. Right now Cathy is in her room fake-crying her eyes out, yelling that I always ruin her life. BooBoo is in her crib, trying to sleep, yelling at Cathy to "STOP!". That part is kind of funny.

What brought this on? Cath has been in a funk since she got home, complaining about everything. She brought me a form just now asking me to purchase a CD for school and I said we'll look at it tomorrow. She said that we would probably forget and that she didn't want to turn it in the last day. She started kicking whatever was on the floor. Saying we weren't going to get it. Now I'm pissed. Of course I want to get the CD because it's of Primary Singers, the group she's in at school. But that little attitude has to go. Man that kid is like her dad. Tenacious. Moody.

Now she's asking if she can come out. Told her come down.

Ok, so everyone is so mean to her all the time. She's running to her room dramatically and crying. I imagine she's thrown herself on her bed. The only thing that's keeping me calm is Siesta Cabeza in her bed right now saying "STOP!"

She just came out of her room and asked if she really had to go bed.


"Parents don't care about their kids. Only daddies care about their kids! And daddy isn't a liar!"

For the record, I have never called their dad a liar or any other name. Or talked poorly about him in front of them. Cathy calls him a liar a lot.

What would I do without this outlet?

Spousal isn't home yet. He left around 10:30am and should be home within the next hour or so.

Booboo likes Coke Coke. "Pease more coke coke! Mommeee, more coke coke pease!" She ended up running around, wreaking havoc wherever she went. She dumped my water bottle all over the hide-a-bed. No more coke coke for a long while for siesta cabeza.

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