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Tardive Dyskenisia

October 25, 2004, 8:10 PM

I was trying to figure out my protein requirements per day and found a sort of Protein Calculator. Kind of cool.

I look in on the chickens from my window this morning and they said:

"How about some food down here, eh?"

As you recall, my chickens either are Canadian or just pretend they're Canadian.

Yes. I really do know my chickens can't talk.

They have more of an chicken/ESP thing going on.


I have no food available for fruit flies. I keep everything away in the cupboards and no food in the sink.

So why is it that I have chernobyl juggernot fruit flies chugging along the house? I've been spraying them with hairspray. I think I need EXTREME HOLD. The Flex Hold is just making them bigger and more intimidating.

Right now I'm doing these facial exercises that make me look like I have been taking anti-psychotics for my entire life and Tardive Dyskinesia has ensued. I am in no way making fun of anyone who has developed this disease. I'm just saying I know this is what I look like when I do the facial exercises that I learned from a friend. I do them in my car when no one is looking. Or I feel like I'm alone. Then I look over to see Boo watching me and trying to imitate me. She ends up looking like a crazed pumpkin head.

Basically you tighten up your face by doing this exaggerated smile and raise your eyebrows. It's like The Joker Meets John Kerry.

OH! Did I just type that out loud?

Which reminds me, I saw this picture that I couldn't right click and save. There were Kerry and Bush supporters holding up signs. You might be able to see it if you go to This woman holding a Bush/Cheney sign looks like her head is going to explode. She'd be complete if only there were foam coming out her mouth.

Hey, actually, if you want to do the facial exercises I was talking about, just try and imitate her face. Only smile when you do it.

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