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Why didn't I think ahead?

October 30, 2004, 12:12 PM

Boo and I went to T@rget to get gloves for all the girls along with candy. I probably got way too much candy this year but hopefully we're in a prime spot to get more trick or treaters. I'm hoping to get Lee out to buy pumpkins so we can set them out by the end of the driveway in order to look Halloweenie and festive so that we can attract more kids.

Got some hot pink make up for Gia Wia and her rockstar outfit. Boo wants to use it too.

I have given Boo probably too much candy today. In fact I know I have. That kid. Oh you know what's the best? The nerd-filled gum balls. OH yeah baby. I just had one because the tendonitis in my jaw is making it hard to open my mouth. Which can be a good and bad thing.

IF I had planned ahead, I would've been a nun for halloween.

My old daycare provider gave Boo some tights that are the best tights in the world. They're cotton. The brand is H@nna @nderson. They're $18 a pair. Of course! Because I can't love anything cheap. The site makes a good point, that they can be handed down from girl to girl and it's very true. I'm sure the tights we got from daycare lady were some her daughter wore and a lot. Excellent shape. They're the only tights Boo will wear. I've washed them at least 15 times since we got them and they're still great. Still soft.

So go for it if you have lots of girls.

Otherwise, try to find them secondhand.

It may be hard to find them secondhand. People probably bronze them after their kid has grown up.

I had more stuff to write and I can't sit here anymore. Headache comin' on baby!

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