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November 28, 2004, 5:55 PM

Oooo, I got my mom's outlook to SEND mail.

Now it sends and receives.

She wanted her mail exactly like she had it at work. OUTLOOK, not out*look express.

Boo's taking a late nap right now. She and JessJess slept in the living room and mom slept in her recliner. Boo woke up in the middle of the night and slept on my mom for quite awhile, then my dad checked on everyone and put Boo back next to JessJess. I guess Boo popped right up when it was morning and Jess slept in a little. Last time Jess spent the night with us, she got up at 5:30 but then came and got on my side of the bed to sleep a little more.

I want to decorate for Christmas but the house is such a sty that I really don't want to work around it. Maybe, just maybe, I can get Lee to clean the living room.

And the computer area.

Right now I'm quite tired. I'm sick and tired of being sick and tired. I'm tired of feeling like I'm going to barf all the time.

It bugs. Some women have it much much worse. A woman I know said her daughter, a doctor, would make her rounds at the hospital with an IV in her arm because she was so dehydrated.

Somehow, if I were in the hospital and my doctor came in wheeling an IV stand with it attached to her, that wouldn't inspire any confidence.

I feel like shitsky.

Did I mention that?

I can not bring myself to purposely mispell word while text messaging.

Like while sending the Text Message

I want to do you

does not have quite the impact when you send it spelled like:

I wnt 2 do u.

Do you know who has a perfect Vagina and good sized uterus?


You must go congratulate her on her perfect vagina plus uterus because this means she will be one of the one's that doesn't have to go to extreme measures to have children when she chooses. And that's quite a thing. It's one of the many things I don't take for granted.

We should all talk and comment about our uteri!

So, how's your uterus today? Mine's full.

You Are the Individualist
You are sensitive and intuitive, with others and yourself. You are creative and dreamy... plus dramatic and unpredictable. You're emotionally honest, real, and easily hurt. Totally expressive, others always know exactly how you feel.

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