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Vbac article

January 02, 2005, 3:41 PM

My friend told me about This VBAC article on MSN and then feared pissing me off, which didn't happen at all. Just so you know. It's good to read everything, I think.

Cath was vaginal, Gia was c section, Boo was vbac (vaginal after c section). Which worked out fine. However, really, Boo's birth was pretty much done all wrong because another study came out saying you're not supposed to induce a woman after she's had a c section because there's a 5x greater chance of rupture. That to me makes sense.

I am worried about the c section as it is major surgery. I had Gia 10 years ago and my health probably won't bounce back fast. At the same time, with Boo I had some major damage in the vaginal region and it took 3 years to get most of that functionality back. Like farting when I least expect it. Wetting myself.

I am now known as Woman-of-Many-Kegels.

In the article the woman took 4 months to get better, but it took way longer than that for my birth canal to recover.

Now it's NOT that way for everyone. I think with Cath I had maybe 15 stiches and with Boo it was WAY more because they used a suction device. Her heart rate went down fast and they wanted her out. I know if you have a good doctor or midwife, they do things to make sure you're not going to tear.

It said the woman in the article had a lot of fluid retention. I had that with Boo. My legs were 3X their normal size for at least 3 weeks. My daycare woman said she'd never seen anything like it. Me neither! It was awful. Trying to get in and out of the tub was impossible. I couldn't bend my legs. Poor Lee was in there with me 3x a day getting in behind me and hoisting me out. He was totally cool about it.

So I dunno. It'll be interesting. What I do with these things is go with my gut, so to speak. Last time, I was 100% sure about the vbac. This time I'm 100% sure going the c section route. My preference is totally natural, like with Cath. Hurt like hell, but I wasn't hooked up to everything under the sun. I was free from IV's, Catheter and an epidural line.

I remember after Gia I could feel my legs and the nurse came in a while later and took me to the restroom. I'm sitting at the edge of the bed thinking "I have to get up??! Huh?"

I also tend to go late. Like I won't go on my due date. So if I happen to be a week late, which is usually the case, they'll have to do a c section anyway because they can't induce me.

Either way, the baby comes out. That's the important part. The end result is that you want a happy healthy baby and however that happens, happens.

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